Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Best Supporting Actors

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Acknowledging and celebrating your weight-loss support network

The Challenge:

Some of us lack a support network—or do not seek to build one. We may view losing weight as a punishment for actions that led us to gain weight; we may isolate ourselves, not seeing or believing the value of a supportive environment; or we may choose to go it alone so that there is no one to disappoint if we fail. Regardless, neglecting the importance of support is like trying to build a house without a foundation—it’s likely to crumble!

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will learn to acknowledge and celebrate the role that our family, friends, and fellow meeting members have played in our success. Doing so will help us feel special—because there are so many people who care about and support our weight-loss outcomes—and help us identify new resources to tap in challenging times.
For More Info:
Weight Watchers® Weekly: ".Com-munity"--see how the social network on can help you!
eTools:  "Create a Supportive Environment," 
Science Center:  "The Four Pillars of a Science-Based Approach,"; "Social Support and Lasting Weight Loss," 

Tool of the Week:


Weight Watchers Happenings:

Join for Free! 4/24 through 6/18

New members can join for free now through June 18. Pay-as-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Suess

Check out what Pam from Tuesday morning made!

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