Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week of 12-19-2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Though we had no awards today and our total weight loss was 3.4 lbs. today, we DID have 17 people come in today…FABULOUS…especially this BUSY time of year!  We talked about the new Activity Goal…  Everyone agreed that moving more is ALWAYS the right thing to do.

I went onto my eTools and took the fitness assessment based on the activity I did just last week.  I am just as busy as the next Weight Watcher member, so I “only” walked twice and went to Pilates once.  This gave me a goal this week to earn 14 Activity Points Plus Values.  Hmmmmm….  How?  Well, I plan to still go to Pilates this week AND I plan to walk to downtown Burlingame several times.  (There is no parking there anyways!)  I am also planning a night time walk with hot cocoa for my daughter and a latte for myself (Power food!) to see the holiday decorations in our neighborhood.  And maybe…just maybe…I’ll dust off a short workout DVD and DO IT!

Some great ideas came out of the meeting and great inspiring stories as well.  Pat said she is going to save all the goodies all the nice people give her over the holidays.  She will put them in her linen closet until said time (out of sight, out of mind!  She’s even banned cookie plates and candy dishes!)  When the goodies do come out, she is going to make individual bags to give to her friend who hands out food to the homeless!  GREAT IDEA!!!

Denise confessed at the scale that coming to meetings is CRITICAL to her staying at goal…she also TRACKS EVERY DAY!!!  Hmmm…wonder why she’s staying at goal?!?  ;)

We even had 2 visitors today from other meetings; Gail came all the way from Alabama (if I remember correctly)!  They both spoke up during the meeting and were even caught laughing a time or two!

It was nice to see so many of you taking care of yourselves by stocking up on our Weight Watchers snacks…that new flavor of pop chips (Zesty Cheese) is AWESOME…those who bought it will testify next week.

Speaking of next week:  PLEASE COME TO YOUR MEETING!!!  Both Marian and myself will be there…we’d LOVE to see you too!  You can always opt for a NO WEIGH IN!  …just sayin’…

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Budgeting for Happier Holidays

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:
Taking advantage of the flexibility of the PointsPlus® plan
The Challenge:
Weight Watchers® is committed to providing us with a healthy weight-loss program. This means providing a plan that helps us achieve the recommended rate of weight loss while ensuring that our nutritional needs are met.
The Points Plus Solution:

When developing and testing PointsPlus®, Weight Watchers set the lowest daily PointsPlus Target (DPT) at 29 to ensure that we would meet the required nutrient recommendations. Now, with a wealth of data on how our we are eating with PointsPlus, Weight Watchers feels comfortable that a DPT of 26 will allow us to meet our nutritional needs while losing weight.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Your Plan, Your Way”—How to make it work best for your needs

eTools: “4 Insider Secrets to Surviving December,” ; “Get Ready for the Holidays,” ; “8 Ways to Energize Your Holiday Spirit,”  
Program materials: PointsPlus Getting Started; pages 66–71; 76–83
Tool of the Week:

10-Minute Time Crunch Training
Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"There is nothing permanent except change."  ~Heraclitus

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Your Stress-Less Holiday

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

LAST WEEK!!  Candies Sale: Buy 2, Get 1 Free
All Fruities (Cherry, Strawberry, and Blackberry) and Cappuccino Cream Melts duopacks are “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” from November 6 through November 26.

The Weight-Loss Skill:
Managing stress during the holiday season to stay in control and on track
The Challenge:
Holidays can be an especially stressful time for people trying to lose weight. Some of us fall into the trap of emotional eating, turning to food to help us deal with the stress. Others of us focus so intently on managing food challenges that we neglect to create a plan for dealing with relatives, friends, and co-workers, and the unhelpful comments they might make.
The Points Plus Solution:
In this meeting, we will explore our top holiday stressors and discuss strategies for reducing that stress, including responding to unhelpful comments. We will examine how the Weight Watchers Tools For Living (Mental Rehearsing, Reframing, Empowering Beliefs) and Helpful Habits (Take Care of Yourself, Ask for Help, Manage Your Thoughts, and Manage Your Feelings) can help.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Thanksgiving Tools For Living”—How to handle stresses and challenges

eTools: “Holiday Survival: One Woman’s Story,” ;  “Your Indoor Home Spa,” ; Fitting in Fitness at Christmas,”

Action worksheets: Ask For Help, Empowering Beliefs, Manage Your Thoughts, Manage Your Feelings, Mental Rehearsing, Take Care of Yourself
Tool of the Week:
Weight Watchers® Cookbooks
including titles like this one: 

PointsPlus Cookbook
Over 200 delicious new recipes boasting fresh, filling and healthy foods. What can you eat on the Weight  Watchers PointsPlus program? Well, just about everything! Inside the cookbook you'll find:

• Mouthwatering PointsPlus recipes that are quick and easy to make
• Best advice and ideas on how to make the most of Weight Watchers Good Health Guidelines
• Beautiful full-color photographs (60 in all!) to inspire you in the kitchen
• Healthy extra tips for adding Power Foods so you'll stay fuller, longer
Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~Melody Beattie

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Great Thanksgiving Plate

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

Candies Sale: Buy 2, Get 1 Free
All Fruities (Cherry, Strawberry, and Blackberry) and Cappuccino Cream Melts duopacks are “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” from November 6 through November 26.

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Using PointsPlus strategies to make great choices during Thanksgiving

The Challenge:
We struggle with the thought of staying on plan during the holidays.  Thanksgiving seems especially difficult, since the holiday literally revolves around food.
The Points Plus Solution:
In this meeting, we will determine our weight-related objectives for the holiday and create a game plan for achieving them. Success may mean weight loss for some, maintenance or even a small gain for others. Identifying accurate portion sizes and the corresponding  PointsPlus® values of our holiday favorites will help us prioritize what we really want to eat on the big day.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Thanks-Living”—Sane, satisfying ideas for enjoying the holiday without overdoing it

eTools: Interactive Thanksgiving Plate: Drag and drop your holiday favorites onto the plate to see how the PointsPlus values add up

Science Center: “Holiday Game Plan,”

Program materials: Pocket Guide, “A–Z Food List,” p. 7, and “Portion Sizes,” p. 85; Tools For Living worksheet Mental Rehearsing
Tool of the Week:
Easy Measure Serving Set

Easy Measure Serving Set
Measure and serve your meals in style with the Easy Measure Serving Set! It's a great way to make sure you place a reasonable and accurate portion of the food you want on your plate.  These pre-measured serving pieces are the perfect portioning tools to use right at the dinner table. Their sleek design and style discreetly fit any decor so only you know you are measuring  your food.

• High grade stainless steel
• Easy to clean – dishwasher safe
• 3 sizes: 1 cup spoon, ½ cup spoon and ¼ cup ladle

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day." ~ Irv Kupcinet

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taming TV Time

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:
Using television time to support good health
The Challenge:
Most people watch television. The combination of consuming extra calories and inactivity that often accompanies television time can be detrimental to weight-loss and maintenance efforts.
The Points Plus Solution:
In this meeting, we will take a hard look at our prime-time habits and explore ways to make them more weight-loss friendly. The first step is to brainstorm healthy, satisfying snack ideas. The second step is to identify hobbies that could keep hands busy and find ways to incorporate activity into viewing time.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “The View”—Using screen time to move more
eTools: Activity Tracker
Program Materials: Tools For Living Reframing Worksheet
Science Center: “Creating a Healthy Weight Home,” ; “The Couch Potato Workout,”
Tool of the Week:
Work Your Belly, Butt & Thighs Fitness Kit
Work your Belly, Butt and Thighs Stability Ball Workout is a great way to improve your core strength and work your entire body.
Weight Watchers Happenings:
For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"If the refrigerator and television weren't so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any walking workout at all." ~ Clifton Fadiman, American author, radio & TV personality

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scale Surprise

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:
Using an unexpected weight loss as an opportunity to get refocused

The Challenge:
When the scale shows a loss even after we  have overindulged during the week, it can feel like a gift—and like permission to continue indulging. We may mistakenly come to believe that going off plan doesn’t matter—that we can “cheat” and still lose weight. It also can cause us to lose confidence in the Weight Watchers® program and what we know are helpful behaviors.
The Points Plus Solution:
In this meeting, we will be reminded of the multiple factors that influence our weekly weigh-ins and be encouraged to take a big-picture perspective. We will explore our recent efforts on the Program and  focus on the helpful behaviors that we know promote weight loss to avoid slipping into “I-got-away-with-going-off-plan” thinking.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “A Good Weigh-In”—Healthy-thinking strategies for facing the
  scale, no matter what it says
eTools: “Ask the Personal Trainer: The Ups and Downs of Weight Loss,” ;
“Weight Fluctuation” message board thread,
Tool of the Week:
Electronic Food Scale

PointsPlusTM Electronic Food Scale
Weighing your favorite foods and getting their PointsPlus values has never been easier! The Weight Watchers Electronic Food Scale is a great addition to your kitchen counter. It will accurately weigh your foods and calculate the PointsPlus values when you enter carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber... and there is a database of over 500 foods and their PointsPlus values already stored in the scale! Best of all, you can calculate and then store your own favorite foods and recipes.
• Get accurate PointsPlus values for the foods you weigh
• Calculate PointsPlus values for your recipes
• Contains PointsPlus values for over 500 foods

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph." ~Marvin Phillips

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tricks, Not Treats

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Managing a sweet tooth during Halloween and beyond

The Challenge:

Halloween is all about candy. Huge bags of it fill store shelves, and special bargains entice us to buy in bulk.   Some of us may use all sorts of excuses to buy and eat candy: “I’ll have just one,” “I deserve this,” “This candy is for the kids”—basically giving ourselves permission to overindulge.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will explore ways to manage sweets during the Halloween season and beyond.  We will share strategies, including how to control portions if we decide to indulge—or to avoid eating candy by keeping fruit and other sensible alternatives handy.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Sweet Talk”—What you should know about sugar and sweeteners

eTools: “Community Talks: The Halloween Face-Off,”; “Survive Halloween at the Office,”;  “The Trick to Treats,”;  “The Truth About Sugar,”

Tool of the Week:

Weight Watchers® Mini Bars

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

In the spirit of Halloween:  “In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and chains. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale.” ~Stephen Phillips

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Celebrating LFG Victories

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

LAST WEEK!!  Snack Bar, Baked Snack, and Popped Snack Sale

From October 2 to October 22, all Snack Bars, Baked Snacks, and Popped Snacks are on sale for $3.50.  Try our new Roasted Salsa Multigrain Crisps and stock up on all your favorites!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Celebrating and learning from successes achieved during the Lose For Good® campaign

The Challenge:

It’s hard to believe that one person can truly make a difference—or that small weight losses, even .2 and .4 pounds, can add up to a meaningful amount.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will hear the story of how the Lose For Good® campaign was born and thus be reminded that one person can indeed make a difference.  We will share the successes we’ve achieved during the campaign and come to appreciate that even small changes—and small losses—can add up. We will also swap strategies for overcoming ongoing weight-loss obstacles, using lessons learned during the last few weeks to help us triumph.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “They Lost So Others Could Gain”—Three women who found that their weight-loss success enabled them to help others
eTools: “Meet Debbie: Our Inspiration For Lose for Good,” ;  “28 Small Changes That Will Make a Big Difference,”

Tool of the Week:

PointsPlus® Pedometer

This pedometer is exclusively made for Weight Watchers! Powered by motion sensor and step filter technology, it is the only pedometer that can count your activity PointsPlus values in addition to steps and distance! It's a great motivator to watch the progress bar fill up as you walk your way to an earned activity value. Just clip it on and start walking!


• Counts your daily steps and total distance
• Accurately tracks your activity PointsPlus values earned
• Powered by digital motion sensor and step filter technology

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"The odds of hitting a target go up dramatically when you aim at it." ~Mal Pancoast

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Space of Your Own

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal
As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

Snack Bar, Baked Snack, and Popped Snack Sale

From October 2 to October 22, all Snack Bars, Baked Snacks, and Popped Snacks are on sale for $3.50. Try our new Roasted Salsa Multigrain Crisps and stock up on all your favorites!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Managing your environment to avoid temptation and make following the Program easier

The Challenge:

It’s tough to choose weight-loss-friendly foods when your fridge and pantry are filled with not-so-healthy options. A banana, a yogurt, or string cheese might seem like a disappointment next to leftover coffee cake, cookies, or a bag of chips.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will explore ways to manage our environments.  By taking charge of the foods that surround us, we will gain control over those spaces and, subsequently, our eating. We will learn to recognize places where trigger foods are kept, remove anything that won’t promote a healthy lifestyle, and replace those with healthy items. Simply put, we will eat what’s there, so we should be sure what's there will promote weight-loss success.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Clean Sweep!” Set the stage for success by making your home weight loss-friendly

eTools: “Control the Chaos,”  

Program materials: Helpful Habit worksheet, Manage Your Environment

Tool of the Week:

Oil Sprayer

Spray away! Weight Watchers Oil Sprayer makes portion control of oil easy—without the mess!

Weight Watchers® Oil Sprayer makes portion control of oil easy—without the mess! It's perfect to use on your cookware and bakeware to prevent food from sticking, or use it to mist over just about any food you’re roasting—meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. It's also great to use just the right amount on prepared salads, pasta, even popcorn! And best of all,  with the Weight Watchers Oil Sprayer, you’ll always know the PointsPlus® value for the oil that you use!
• Easily manage PointsPlus values
• Easy to use and clean
• 10 pumps = PointsPlus value of 1

Weight Watchers Happenings:

LAST WEEK TO JOIN FOR FREE through 10/15!!!
New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"When one approach is not working to reach the desired goal, that's not a reason to abandon the goal. Instead, it is time to devise another approach." ~Ralph Marston

Sunday, October 2, 2011

eTools for Success

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Using eTools for greater success on PointsPlus®
The Challenge:
Many of us have eTools access, but only a small number use it. We’re missing out on a resource that could boost weight-loss success—and for which we’ve already paid!

The Points Plus Solution:

We know there’s a link between eTools use and weight-loss success.  Recent research shows that in addition to being more satisfied with our weight loss, those of us who used eTools were also more satisfied with our first meeting, the printed materials, the plan’s focus on healthy eating, and the freedom and flexibility of the Program.

For More Info:
Weight Watchers® Weekly: "Insiders’ Guide to eTools"—We asked the pros for their top 5 favorite features
Tool of the Week:

 PointsPlus® Calculator
You can calculate your daily PointsPlus Target, and quickly track your remaining daily target and weekly allowance.

Weight Watchers Happenings:

Join for Free through 10/15
New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!