Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week of 12-19-2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Though we had no awards today and our total weight loss was 3.4 lbs. today, we DID have 17 people come in today…FABULOUS…especially this BUSY time of year!  We talked about the new Activity Goal…  Everyone agreed that moving more is ALWAYS the right thing to do.

I went onto my eTools and took the fitness assessment based on the activity I did just last week.  I am just as busy as the next Weight Watcher member, so I “only” walked twice and went to Pilates once.  This gave me a goal this week to earn 14 Activity Points Plus Values.  Hmmmmm….  How?  Well, I plan to still go to Pilates this week AND I plan to walk to downtown Burlingame several times.  (There is no parking there anyways!)  I am also planning a night time walk with hot cocoa for my daughter and a latte for myself (Power food!) to see the holiday decorations in our neighborhood.  And maybe…just maybe…I’ll dust off a short workout DVD and DO IT!

Some great ideas came out of the meeting and great inspiring stories as well.  Pat said she is going to save all the goodies all the nice people give her over the holidays.  She will put them in her linen closet until said time (out of sight, out of mind!  She’s even banned cookie plates and candy dishes!)  When the goodies do come out, she is going to make individual bags to give to her friend who hands out food to the homeless!  GREAT IDEA!!!

Denise confessed at the scale that coming to meetings is CRITICAL to her staying at goal…she also TRACKS EVERY DAY!!!  Hmmm…wonder why she’s staying at goal?!?  ;)

We even had 2 visitors today from other meetings; Gail came all the way from Alabama (if I remember correctly)!  They both spoke up during the meeting and were even caught laughing a time or two!

It was nice to see so many of you taking care of yourselves by stocking up on our Weight Watchers snacks…that new flavor of pop chips (Zesty Cheese) is AWESOME…those who bought it will testify next week.

Speaking of next week:  PLEASE COME TO YOUR MEETING!!!  Both Marian and myself will be there…we’d LOVE to see you too!  You can always opt for a NO WEIGH IN!  …just sayin’…

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