Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Celebrate Success

The Weight-Loss Skill: Celebrating and drawing inspiration from successes achieved during Lose For Good®

The Challenge:  People who struggle with their weight often have difficulty acknowledging and accepting their weight-loss achievements. That may be in part because of self-doubt: We, as members, may be haunted by failed weight-loss attempts and believe that this attempt, too, could easily fail—so why celebrate it? We may also downplay the significance of smaller increments of weight loss, overlooking the fact that every pound (or fraction of a pound) lost brings us closer to our ultimate weight goal and merits acknowledgment.

The Solution:  In this meeting, we will help each other acknowledge and celebrate the weight-loss goals we’ve achieved during the Lose For Good® challenge. We’ll also emphasize the positive impact of those achievements on the community, which further reinforces the value of our weight-loss efforts.  Learning to acknowledge and celebrate success will help boost our confidence in our ability to lose weight and our motivation to stay on track.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “We Did It…Together”—a group of friends who attend Weight Watchers meetings and lose weight together show the power of group support.

Science Center: Social Support and Lasting Weight Loss

Tools of the Week:

3 Month Journal and Pocket Guide cover

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For Center and Traveler members:

Join for Free 9/5–10/23   

Pay only the weekly fee to join. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration Fee; you pay only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!

"Celebrate what you want to see more of."  ~Thomas J. Peters

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