Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why Am I Doing This?

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Getting—and staying—in touch with your motivational toolbox.

The Challenge:

We occasionally get bogged down by the process of losing weight and lose sight of our original motivation. We may feel cheated or shortchanged and forget—or discount—the benefits of weight loss. Overlooking those benefits can rob us of the motivation to keep going.
The Points Plus Solution:

In today’s meeting, we will learn to tap into our own personal motivational toolbox. We’ll be reminded that all along the weight-loss journey, we have been achieving small successes. Seizing opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate those successes can help us get back in touch with—and stay in touch with—what motivates us to achieve our bigger goals.
For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Imagine That!”—How “seeing” your success can help you reach your short- and long-term goals

eTools: “Community Talks—Staying Motivated,”;  
“The Benefits of Losing 5 Percent,”;
“Why Target 10 Percent,”

Program materials: Motivating Strategy and Anchoring Activity Sheets

Tool of the Week:

New Smoothie flavor, Crème Brulée

Our Crème Brulee Smoothie is an excellent source of protein, a good source of fiber, and it has over 60% more calcium than 1 cup of milk!  PointsPlus value of 2 per packet /7 packets per box.
Weight Watchers Happenings:

Join for Free through 10/15
New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~David Viscott

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Maximize the Minutes

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Finding--and making--the time to eat right and move more

The Challenge:

If we only had time... We may think we don’t have time in our hectic schedules to devote to weight-loss efforts and to make our needs a priority. Some of us may believe that tending to our own needs is selfish. Whatever the reason, those of us who don’t make time to follow the Program will likely not be as successful as we could be and can easily end up frustrated.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will examine our daily routines to find hidden pockets of time in which we could be eating right and moving more. We will also discuss ways to streamline meal planning and exercise so that they’ll fit more easily into even the most hectic schedules.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Quick Fixes”—Busy days? How to fit in exercise, eating better, and living healthfully

eTools: “Find More Me Time Every Day,”;
“Time Is on My Side,”;
“Find Time to Fit in Activity,”

Program materials: Take Care of Yourself Worksheet
Tool of the Week:

PointsPlus Pedometer

This pedometer is exclusively made for Weight Watchers! Powered by motion sensor and step filter technology, it is the only pedometer that can count your activity PointsPlus values in addition to steps and distance! It's a great motivator to watch the progress bar fill up as you walk your way to an earned activity value. Just clip it on and start walking!


• Counts your daily steps and total distance
• Accurately tracks your activity PointsPlus values earned
• Powered by digital motion sensor and step filter technology

Weight Watchers Happenings:

Mini bar, Oatmeal, and Smoothie SALE!!!
From September 4 through 24, all Mini Bars, Oatmeal, and Smoothies will be on sale for $4.95!

Join for Free 8/28 through 10/15
New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"You may delay, but time will not." ~Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Magical Week

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Following PointsPlus 100% to see real results.

The Challenge:

We struggle to follow the Program to a “T” on a consistent basis. Some of us stick to our daily PointsPlus target Monday through Thursday, only to fall back into old habits by happy hour on Friday. Others may cherry-pick aspects of the Program that best suit our lifestyle and ignore the rest. Ultimately, many of us don’t follow the Program closely enough to see the results that would likely motivate us to stay on track.
The Points Plus Solution: 
In this meeting, we will zero in on what it means to follow the Program100 percent. We will identify the aspects of the Program to which we, personally, need to pay greater attention. Realizing that success on the Program hinges on incorporating all of its components will prompt us to determine what has been missing.
For More Information:

Weight Watchers® Weekly:  "Who’s the Boss?”—You are! How to take control of your weight-loss journey
eTools: Personalized Progress Reports (within Plan Manager)
Program materials: The Pocket Guide 

Tool of the Week:

PointsPlus Clicker 

Quickly and simply track your PointsPlus values each day with the click of a button. It stores your daily PointsPlus Target so you can subtract PointsPlus values as you use them

Weight Watchers Happenings:

Mini bar, Oatmeal, and Smoothie SALE!!!
From September 4 through 24, all Mini Bars, Oatmeal, and Smoothies will be on sale for $4.95!

Join for Free 8/28 through 10/15
New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.
Free Month of Monthly Pass 8/28 - 9/17
Joining and current members who are not already signed up for a Monthly Pass can get a Free Month of Monthly Pass. Members pay for the first month and automatically get the second month free after they activate their Monthly Pass. Joining members who don’t wish to buy a Monthly Pass can still get Free Registration—a $20 value—and pay only the weekly fee.
SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

After dinner sit a while, and after supper walk a mile. ~English Saying

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Getting Re-Started

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...DON'T LET THE CLOTHES THAT ARE TIGHT ON YOU NOW BE THE CLOTHES YOU *WISH* YOU FIT INTO LATER!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Recharging weight-loss efforts by refreshing knowledge of PointsPlus and drawing inspiration from the Lose For Good Campaign.

The Challenge:

Summer can bring a more relaxed following of the Program, derailing our healthy eating habits, activity, and weight-loss progress. What’s more, some of us are still hazy on the details of the PointsPlus® plan and are struggling to make it work.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we help members restart their weight-loss engines. By reviewing the basics of PointsPlus, members will be reminded of the importance of the four main components of the plan so that they can effectively refocus and reengage. The Lose For Good® campaign, which runs through October 15, can provide extra incentive to get back on track.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: “Fresh Start”—sharpen your pencils!  Our quiz will help re-start your weight-loss engine

eTools: Your Plan: “Using the Site,”

Science Center: “Changing Food Values,”

Program materials: PointsPlus Getting Started, pp. 6–29

Tool of the Week:

Member Kits

With the Deluxe Member Kit, you’ll have the right information to navigate every aspect of the Weight Watchers PointsPlus Plan. 
Included:  Limited Edition Case, Complete Food Companion®; Dining Out Companion; Ultimate 3 Month Tracker; Voucher for PointsPlus Calculator and Ready, Set, Go! Cookbook; available exclusively in the Deluxe Member Kit.

A Weight Watchers® member must have!  new Member Kit has the essential tools for success. 
            Included:  Complete Food Companion; Dining Out Companion; Ultimate 3 Month Tracker
Weight Watchers Happenings:
Mini bar, Oatmeal, and Smoothie SALE!!! 
From September 4 through 24, all Mini Bars, Oatmeal, and Smoothies will be on sale for $4.95!

Join for Free 8/28 through 10/15

New members can Join for Free from August 28 through October 15. Pay-As-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-WeekPass members will
continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.
Free Month of Monthly Pass 8/28 - 9/17
Joining and current members who are not already signed up for a Monthly Pass can get a Free Month of Monthly Pass. Members pay for the first month and automatically get the second month free after they activate their Monthly Pass. Joining members who don’t wish to buy a Monthly Pass can still get Free Registration—a $20 value—and pay only the weekly fee.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

"You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there."  ~Author Unknown