Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

My Story...

I've been a Weight Watchers member for 24 years now...whew! The first time I got to goal, I lost 22 lbs and kept it off for about 6 years. I even worked as a weigher/receptionist at Weight Watchers back then! However, when all of life's events that know, the ones that make us gain weight...well, I gained weight. I gained back the 22 lbs and then some! In fairness, I did give birth to my daughter in that time, but in all honesty, I had already gained that 22 lbs back before I got pregnant!

After leaving the hospital, I saw that I had gained a total of 47 lbs!! OMG!! All I could think of was getting back to Weight Watchers. At that magical six-weeks-after-giving-birth waiting period, I was back in that chair. This time, however, I was stagnant. My weight was yo-yo-ing...for SIX YEARS!

I never gave up.

I knew that one day it would click again. My catalyst was the evening I weighed in and the receptionist commented at how LOW my goal was set. Remember...I set this goal when I was 19 years old! Since I was essentially still a teenager, I had chosen a goal weight at the lowest end of the weight chart. This, it turned out, was my roadblock!

When the suggestion to ammend my weight goal was made, the skies parted and the birds sang!! I immediately reset my goal to the other end of the weight range and began to lose weight once again. Now, I, by no means, lost weight EVERY week, but my weight was dropping! Eventually I lost 37 of the 47 pounds I had gained...and decided to go back to work at Weight Watchers. This time, however, I was asked to go to Leader Training. I was nervous, but it has been one of the best decisions I have made!  

Let me help you get to goal.  I don't know it all, but I've been there.  I still struggle.  I still overeat.  Just not all the time.  Together, let's change our relationship with food.  One of my favorite quotes I've used from my time as a Leader seems a fitting end:  "To eat is a necessity.  To eat INTELLIGENTLY is an art." is a BEFORE picture:

Here is an AFTER picture: