Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pack Your Plan

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Managing disruptions to your routine, particularly vacations

The Challenge:

When we take a vacation from work and routine, we often take a vacation from our weight-loss efforts as well. And once we veer off-track, it can be difficult for us to get back on plan. A weight gain after vacation can break our momentum, sap our motivation, and undermine our self-confidence. Some of us may even give up on our weight-loss goals altogether.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will discuss strategies for handling disruptions and interruptions to our routines, specifically vacations. We’ll learn the importance of staying connected to our weight-loss efforts while away from home and commit to doing one thing consistently each day that will help us feel in control and connected.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: "The Guilt-Free Getaway"—Worried your upcoming vacation will cause you to wander off plan? Here are two approaches to staying on track when you travel.

eTools: "Summer Vacation Survival Guide," ; "10 Ways to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain," ; "10 Ways to Get Back on Track After Summer," 
Program Materials: Pocket Guide, pp. 127–129; pp. 135–139

Tool of the Week:

All Weight Watchers® products

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there."  ~Will Rogers

Monday, June 20, 2011

Honor Your Hunger

BRING A FRIEND!!  ...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!  Summer time is no time to slack off!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Using your body’s hunger and satisfaction cues to guide your eating

The Challenge:

There are many reasons why we tend to eat: Our bodies may need food; we may go by the clock, sitting down for meals on schedule whether our stomach is rumbling or not; or we may eat in response to emotions—not just sadness but also stress, boredom, anxiety, even happiness. But eating for one of the latter reasons can easily lead to overeating and can hinder weight-loss progress.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will learn how to listen more carefully for our body’s hunger signals, track them, and honor them. We’ll also explore ways to satisfy that hunger while staying within our daily PointsPlus Target.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: "Hungry? (Are You Sure?)"—how to understand your body signals, so that you eat when you really need to—and stop when you’ve had enough.

eTools: "Your Hardest Time of Day,"  "5 Reasons You’re Always Starving,"  "Habit Guide: Monitor Yourself,"

Program materials: Getting Started, p. 53; Monitor Yourself Worksheet

Tool of the Week:

Weight Watchers® Smoothies


Our Smoothies are an excellent source of protein, a good source of
fiber, and it have over 60% more calcium than 1 cup of milk! PointsPlus™ value of 2 per
packet / 7 packets per box. A POWER FOOD!!

Weight Watchers Happenings:

For members who wish to pay weekly, the registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

The belly rules the mind. ~Spanish Proverb

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's on Your Plate? Estimate!

Did you know? Guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...stay committed during the summer and have someone with you for the journey!

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Accurately and mindfully estimating PointsPlus® values for optimal weight-loss results

The Challenge:

One of the trickiest things about navigating parties and restaurants is accurately estimating the PointsPlus values of foods and beverages. This uncertainty can frustrate us and lead us into an uncomfortable gray area where we’re fudging PointsPlus values or not counting them at all.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will explore ways to feel comfortable making our best estimate when we’re unsure of the PointsPlus values of foods. In other words, we’ll learn the art of estimating mindfully. We’ll discuss how the portion-control skills we’re building every day on the Program can serve us well in such situations, along with how doing some prep work beforehand can make a big difference.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: "What’s Your Best Guess?" How to estimate PointsPlus values like a pro!
eTools: "Cheat Sheet: Salad Bar Savvy," ; "Cocktail Cheat Sheet," ; "Pizza Cheat Sheet," ; "Portion Size at Home,"  

Book: PointsPlus Pocket Guide, p. 75 and pp. 85–87; Week 1 book, "PointsPlus Getting Started," pp. 44–45

Tool of the Week:

Electronic Food Scale

Weighing your favorite foods and getting their PointsPlus values has never been easier!  The Weight Watchers Electronic Food Scale is a great addition to your kitchen counter.  It will accurately weigh your foods and calculate the PointsPlus values when you enter carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber...and there is a database of over 500 foods and their PointsPlus values already stored in the scale!  Best of all, you can calculate and then store your own favorite foods and recipes.  


• Get accurate PointsPlus values for the foods you weigh
• Calculate PointsPlus values for your recipes
• Contains PointsPlus values for over 500 foods

Weight Watchers Happenings:


Join for Free! 4/24 through 6/18

New members can join for free now through June 18. Pay-as-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." ~Sydney J. Harris

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting to Know Me

Did you know?  Guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!
The Weight-Loss Skill:

Self-monitoring for optimal weight-loss results

The Challenge:

We often struggle with tracking our foods and PointsPlus® values consistently. But if we begin to track other things—our emotions, or events in our lives, for example—we may soon find the practice more enlightening and rewarding.

The Points Plus Solution:

In this meeting, we will gain a better understanding of how monitoring additional elements of our day can contribute to weight-loss progress—and make tracking more rewarding. When we record things like habits, feelings, nutrition, successes, and setbacks, we become aware of our particular strengths and opportunities for improvement.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers® Weekly: "13 Tracking Tricks from Real Members"
eTools: Newly enhanced charting features—chart your weight, measurements, and milestones. See your weekly average rate of weight loss in easy-to-read charts and graphs so you can get a sense of what’s working and what’s not and make smarter decisions

Science Center: "The Science Behind Self-Monitoring,"
          Program materials: Monitor Yourself and Tracking Worksheets

Tool of the Week:

Ultimate 3 Month Tracker

Tracking is a key to success on the Weight Watchers® plan. Tracks everything in this journal—from the food you eat, to your hunger, to your activity—so you can see what works and what doesn't.

• Monitor your daily and weekly progress
• Includes tips and recipes
• A great motivating tool to track your success

Weight Watchers Happenings:

Join for Free!      4/24 through 6/18

New members can join for free now through June 18. Pay-as-You-Go members need not pay a Registration fee, only the weekly fee. Monthly Pass and 17-Week Pass members will continue to enjoy Free Registration during this period.

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week) Please note that this pass has an expiration date and is valid for 17 consecutive weeks.

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

*Unlimited meetings each month
*Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
*Automatic monthly renewal

"Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny." ~Tyron Edwards