Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Understanding and Trusting PointsPlus Values

The Weight-Loss Skill:

Learning the basics of the new PointsPlus™ program
The Challenge:

Because the PointsPlus™ plan differs in many ways from the Momentum® plan, new members and longtime members alike will face a learning curve in trying to master it.

The Solution:

In this meeting, you will gain a better understanding of the PointsPlus plan by asking questions and getting answers. In fact, much of the meeting will be devoted to addressing your concerns. The goal is to both deepen your understanding of the Program and build your trust in its ability to improve weight-loss success.

For More Info:

Weight Watchers Weekly: “Crunching the Numbers”—understanding how PointsPlus values work, plus an interactive feature, “My Plan for the New Plan,” to be used during the meeting.
Program materials: PointsPlus Getting Started Book and PointsPlus Pocket Guide
Tool of the Week:

2011 Member Kits

Weight Watchers Happenings:

The registration fee of $20.00 is back in effect, as is the $13.00 missed-week fee. (Added to the weekly fee of $13.00)

SAVE $$$ by purchasing a 17-Week Pass for $194 ($11.41 per week)

SAVE even MORE $$$ by purchasing the Monthly Pass for $39.95 per month ($9.22 per week!) PLUS you get FREE eTools!

Why a Monthly Pass?

  • Unlimited meetings each month
  • Free eTools, including Weight Watchers® Mobile
  • Automatic monthly renewal
As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free! Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up!

"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation." ~D. Elton Trueblood

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