Trying a new format...let's see how this works!

Read about Weight Watchers founder JEAN NIDETCH here. (Thanks to Foster City member, Lee, for the article!)

Friday, July 30, 2010

STOP The Eat-A-Thon!!

The Weight-Loss Skill:  Learning to stop or shorten episodes of uncontrolled eating. 

The Challenge:  We all occasionally snack and occasionally overeat. But when we engage in episodes of uncontrolled eating and sneak eating—whether it’s chowing down an entire pizza or waiting till everyone’s asleep before polishing off the ice cream—the extra POINTS® values and feelings of lost control can sabotage weightloss efforts in the short term and lead to abandoning goals in the long term.
The Solution:   In this meeting we will learn the dangers of uncontrolled eating episodes and sneak eating, explore the potential triggers, and begin developing a plan to shorten, stop, and ultimately prevent the unwanted behaviors. Having a plan to counteract the behaviors will empower you to take control of your eating and improve your weight-loss success.
For More Info: 
click on these links for more information:
Understanding Eating Triggers
Midnight Munchies
Levels Of Change

Book 4:  Habits of Successful Members, p. 42, "Reframing" 

Tools of the Week:  Weight Watchers Clicker and 3 Month Journal

I use my clicker when I just want to track points. It hangs on my keychain, so I can always see at a glance how many points I have left.

I would not be able to monitor my food intake without my 3-Month Journal.  I use it to plan my meals in advance and make my grocery list!

Weight Watchers Happenings:  This is the last week for joining members who choose Pay-As-You-Go membership to pay a Registration Fee of $1.00 (instead of $20.00) plus the weekly fee for a total joining price of only $14.00!! That is a $19.00 savings!*  For current members this means the missed-meeting fee is also only $1.00 (instead of $5.00).  Joining members who buy the Monthly Pass or the 17-Week Pass still get free registration and pay no missed-meeting fees. 
*Applies to members joining at a Weight Watchers Center or Traveler Meeting (not At-Work members).

As always...guests can Check Out A Meeting For Free!  Bring your spouse, friends, neighbors and colleagues to a meeting...let's keep our membership numbers up! 

The Catch the Wave Promotion is still going on full force! Come and get your star to be part of the raffle at the end of August!  (Centers and Traveler Locations)

  Be your own cause...just this once...

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